New Book release: School Nightz by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan and Cecile Monique
SERIES – NIGHTSCHOOL VAMPIRE HUNTER TRILOGY Novella Series AUTHOR – Michelle Cornwell-Jordan GENRE – YA/Teen (15-18years old) PUBLICATION DATE – March 18th
PUBLISHER – 3CM Media/Michelle Cornwell-Jordan GRAPHICS ~ Amy Rooney PHOTOGRAPHER ~ Tiffany McDonald MUSICIAN ~ Cecile Monique OFFICIAL SONG - KINDRED ©CecileMonique (Inspired by the second novella in the series Kindred)
PUBLISHER – 3CM Media/Michelle Cornwell-Jordan GRAPHICS ~ Amy Rooney PHOTOGRAPHER ~ Tiffany McDonald MUSICIAN ~ Cecile Monique OFFICIAL SONG - KINDRED ©CecileMonique (Inspired by the second novella in the series Kindred)
Night School Vampire Hunter (Novella#1)
Night School Vampire Hunter (Novella#1)
Fifteen year old Dasheen Bellamy’s world is turned upside down, when she is accused of killing her father and godmother. Dasheen cannot remember the events of the night her world is destroyed, but she feels inside that she is innocent; due to lack of evidence against her and with no other family; Dasheen and her younger brother Jordan, are sent to the elusive and mysterious Ame’ Academy ; a residential school where all is not what it appears. There all goes well, until Jordan, begins to become distant and behave strangely as if he is afraid of something or someone. Jordan is transferred to Ame’ Academy’s Night School track, which is usually only open to special cases. In order to discover what is happening with her brother, Dasheen is finally allowed to also transfer, attending classes in the evening while the rest of the world sleeps. Soon Dasheen’s world changes again as she discovers that things out of fairytales and horror stories exist, that she has ancient powers and is the major player in a mystical prophecy; and then she falls in love with a boy, whose mission is to see that she is destroyed before her destiny is fulfilled…
Kindred (Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy) Novella#2
The Kindred is the second novella in The Night School Vampire Hunter trilogy.
Angel and her friends at Ame Academy, a boarding school for preternatural and humans are back, and they are preparing for battle against the dark forces that kidnapped Angel’s younger brother Jordan. Angel had recently discovered that she was a Hunter and that she alone has a special weapon against her enemies, her blood, which is discovered to be toxic to her enemies. Angel is prepared to use her training and all that is at her disposal in order to save Jordan, even if that means joining forces with the strange and mysterious Rafael, who at their first meeting, she recognized him as the boy she had dreamed about for weeks prior to his arrival at the school. Angel cannot shake the feeling that she knew Rafael before, and is hopelessly drawn to her extremely handsome fellow hunter.
Rafael frightens her, he hints of a secret; another time and another life lived.
Can love survive two lifetimes?
Events unfold that provides the answers to who Rafael really is and what they mean to one another; and along with these strange and blossoming emotions for Rafael, along with guilt and fear for her brothers safety; Angel discovers that she is more than just a Vampire Hunter, and that she plays a major role in a ancient prophecy, which she must fulfill by facing a force so evil that survival is not promised.
But she will face the Dark One, Angel will sacrifice all, if it means saving all whom she loves.
Many questions are answered, but the drama is just beginning…
Redemption (Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy) Novella#3
Darkness fell over Ame’ Academy when Angel plummeted into the gaping twilight of the abyss. Ismet, Bella Donna, Elin and Rafael were now left to pick up the pieces.
But those that loved Angel refused to believe she was gone; so the search for her and the truth begins. Plus the clock is counting down; the Beast has escaped its pit and so the group of friends, with the help of unlikely allies must face an ancient evil, and once again face the heartache of losing someone they love, to save the world from destruction once and for all.
The highly anticipated and surprising finale to the Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy!
Thank-you’s & Much gratitude! An Incredible Team!
Special Thanks
Line Editing: HJ’s Editing Services (Digital & Print Edition Versions)
Line Editing: Shamrock Editing (Erin Potter) (Digital Edition Version)
JamieB Proofreading (Fiverr Gig) Polishing of Angel: Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy novella#1:–2
Authors Jamie White& C.P. Bialois editing Kindred: Night SchoolVampire Hunter novella#2
Beta Readers: (The Avid Reader’s) Nancy Storey Allen and Author Victoria Zigler
School Nightz Print Edition Cover was created by the amazing (Amy Rooney-CVWriterDesigns) Website: Photography by the fantabulous (Tiffany McDonald- Anecdote Photography) Website:
Graphic Artist: Next Artist: Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy) (Digital)
Photography: Venickwa Penigar: (Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy) (Digital)
Brianna Jordan (Digital & Print Edition Versions) & Adam Becerra(Digital & Print Edition Versions)
Official SchoolNightz Song Much gratitude & Heartfelt thanks to artist Cecile Monique!
Contact Cecile Monique
Cecile Monique is a Canadian vocalist/songwriter/composer of original Gothic Rock & Symphonic Metal music.
Cecile Monique is a Canadian vocalist/songwriter/composer of original Gothic Rock & Symphonic Metal music.
With her powerful, yet angelic voice and unmistakable charisma, Cecile Monique is a multi-talented musical artist ready to make her mark on the international music scene. Cecile Monique is not only an accomplished vocalist; she is also a skilled writer, composer, and arranger of her own original music. Her years of formal classical vocal training provided the foundation, but her singular creativity, diverse musical influences, and her fresh, youthful style have provided the fuel to create the distinctive fusion of rich, classically-influenced vocals with modern, innovative instrumentation that exist together in perfect harmony and have become Cecile Monique’s signature, genre-bending sound.
In addition to her impressive musical talent, Cecile’s cosmopolitan personality and multicultural roots (half European and half Hispanic) also broaden her appeal to an international audience; Cecile is fluent in several languages and has recorded and performed songs in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Czech, and Latin.
In 2010, Cecile Monique was awarded the prestigious FACTOR New Talent Award in support of her self-titled EP release featuring three of her original compositions, which was recorded at Metalworks Studios, Canada’s #1 recording studio. With the launch of her new EP now available on iTunes worldwide, and a myriad of new projects on the horizon, Cecile Monique is a rising star poised to become an international phenomenon.
Official SchoolNightz SONG RELEASE Teaser trailer of KINDRED ©2014 Cecile Monique (March 2014)
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a Young Adult/ New Adult author.
Her titles include the Teen Paranormal novella series Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy, (Print compilation School Nightz set to release March 18th). Full length novel, Teen Fantasy/Dystopian Chrysalis, (New Adult Novelette) Gothic Romance Tourmentin and a contribution to the HerStory Anthology (Pagans Writers Press)
She is also the producer/host of the online radio segment, IndieReview Behind the Scenes, where she and her co-host Author Jamie White interview Indie authors and musicians.
Michelle has been married for seventeen years and has a fifteen-year-old daughter.
A book lover, her favorite genre has always been paranormal adventures.
Hunter Series Fan Club is a society of Teen and Adults (Hunters) brought together through the Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy/Hunter Series novellas/books by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan.
Join and have first peek at news and updates, plus sneak peeks from the author on her books and projects! Also receive updates from the Alliance Youth Service Club (Inspired by Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy/Hunter Series Novellas)…check to see whether one of these awesome Community Service initiatives is in your area…or learn how to start one! Contact: to get you name on the Hunter roster for some great deals!
March 18th-March 31st Winner announced April 01st
Enter Rafflecopter Giveway for a chance to win!
Grand Prize winner: Signed Print Copy of SchoolNightz & the music single Kindred©CecileMonique!
1 Book winner: Signed Print Copy of SchoolNightz
1 Music winner of Kindred©CecileMonique!
1 Winner of a School Nightz Calender 2014
March 18th-March 31st Winner announced April 01st
Enter Rafflecopter Giveway for a chance to win!
Grand Prize winner: Signed Print Copy of SchoolNightz & the music single Kindred©CecileMonique!
1 Book winner: Signed Print Copy of SchoolNightz
1 Music winner of Kindred©CecileMonique!
1 Winner of a School Nightz Calender 2014
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Making of Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
“Before concentrating on my writing and publishing, I was the Director of an before and after-school program for grades fifth thru eighth grade. The idea to focus my writing and on-line publishing endeavors… combining music and reading… actually stemmed from the kids. I had been repeatedly told by my Center kids, that kids that read do not listen to “cool” music and vice versa, so I wanted to show my kids something different. I launched a blog in January 2011 which interviews and spotlights Musicians and Authors…and I also began an on-line internet radio program called IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio through Blogtalk in March 2012.
This past November of 2013 we celebrated over 100,000 listens! I have since then acquired a co-host, Author Jamie White and three guest hosts for various segments, and music plays a huge part in all I do. Our goal is to have a platform and bring the readers and music listeners together.
It has become a very successful venture, it which I am very grateful.
Cecile Monique, a very talented music artist #GothRock has been extremely gracious to also take a hold of this vision, has jumped in bringing the vision of Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy to a new level with her single #Kindred inspired by the second novella in the series.
I believe that a feature such as this, which deals the emerging and thriving on-line Indie community of Musicians and Authors, the local aspect and the Book plus the CD will make for a interesting feature for all ages.”
So for all my kid (readers) past and present…”Books & Cool Music really CAN go together!”
SUPERHEROSNight School Vampire Hunter #Superhero Feature In the third novella #Redemption several new characters visited with the gang at Ame Academy!
In a Special Reader Appreciation Feature which I hosted there were two wonderful readers of the series Author Victoria Zigler and (The Avid Reader’s) Nancy Storey Allen who participated by submitting their characters to be featured in the chapters marked Alliance.
Both ladies retain full rights to the two characters Novite Felecia Grace Tyler submitted by Author Victoria Zigler and Novite Nanena Allen submitted by Nancy Storey Allen.
Both ladies have given permission for the use of the characters.Although story content of Night school Vampire Hunter Trilogy and Alliance Chapters in Redemption (Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy) Novella#3 Copyright ©2014 Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
Illustrations completed by Illustrations created by Julia Antoinette Macaranas- Fiverr Gig:***************************************
Redemption: Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy novella #3
Novite Felecia Grace Tyler- creator Victoria Ziglar
1st year Alliance Student Level: Novite/Warrior Class: WereLioness/Were Shifter Novite Nanena Allen- creator Nancy Storey Allen
1st year Alliance Student Level: Novite/Mystic Class: Tlaciques Witch/Vampire (Originate Mexico)
Coming Soon! Hunter Series: Legends of the Eclipse (Illustrated Novel) Summer 2014 Origins (An Alliance Novella) Spring 2015!
Series: Legends of the Eclipse (Illustrated Novel) Summer 2014
And Rafael
Join the Hunters Alliance on Face Book
Hunter Series Fan Club is a society of Teen and Adults (Hunters) brought together through the Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy/Hunter Series novellas/books by Michelle Cornwell-Jordan.
Join and have first peek at news and updates, plus sneak peeks from the author on her books and projects! Also receive updates from the Alliance Youth Service Club (Inspired by Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy/Hunter Series Novellas)…check to see whether one of these awesome Community Service initiatives is in your area…or learn how to start one! Contact: to get you name on the Hunter roster for some great deals!
Check out the World of Bid’ABan (Home of the Alliance) on Pinterest!
All the authors and bloggers and special, special thanks to Tonya over at

Follow the Blitz here:
Thank you so much for being part of the blitz - Tonya