A Jersey Affa ir Contemporary Romance Publisher http://greenshutterbooks.wordpress.com/our-books/ Out 2 April 2014 ...
Contemporary Romance
Out 2 April 2014
Jilted by the man she was expecting to
marry, Paige Bingham, a shoe designer from the tiny island of Jersey, decides
to enjoy her honeymoon-for-one in Sorrento. What she doesn’t expect is to meet
a mysterious entrepreneur, Sebastian Fielding, when she gets to Italy.
Sebastian helps soothe her faith in men and gradually the pain recedes from her
battered heart as he introduces her to the beautiful sites he knows and loves.
Unfortunately, not long after Paige
returns to her small island home off the coast of France, she discovers that
not only is this charismatic man’s company taking over the struggling
store where her business is based, but that her concession is probably going to
be surplus to his requirements.
How can Paige stop her fledgling shoe
design business from falling apart? And what can she do to restore her
reputation now that the paparazzi have published their untruths about her
romance with Sebastian, as well as the unwanted publicity they've generated
about, A Jersey Affair?
Chapter One -
A Dizzy Height
“I hope
you’re phoning to tell me you’ve arrived safely?” Olly asked, his tone willing
her to confirm that she had.
“Yes.” She
blew her nose once again, wondering why she always felt the need to phone him
every time she became too miserable. “Nothing awful has happened since you
dropped me off at the airport this morning and I haven’t changed my mind about
being here, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Good. Now
stop snivelling and go and search for an Italian bloke to take your mind off
“Surely you
don’t seriously expect me to be interested in anyone after everything that’s
happened?” She slumped down on the balcony chair conveniently placed under the
ivy covered pergola, grateful for its shade from the midday Italian heat.
“Don’t be
such a drip,” he said. “Anyone would think your ex-fiancé was worth keeping.
Now get off your bum, put on a pair of your more colourful sandals then go and
explore Sorrento.
“Fine, but if
I can’t find something to wear that doesn’t make my bottom look the size of a
small Shetland pony, I’m not going.” Paige glanced at the yellow shift dress
she’d just dropped onto the bed and wished she hadn’t bothered packing it.
“You’ll be
back in Jersey soon enough, moaning about wasting your trip. If nothing else,
you can get inspiration for your next set of designs.”
“You’ve been
talking to my sister, haven’t you?”
“How can you
“You don’t
know anything about women’s shoes and I’ve never heard you say the word sandal
before,” she laughed.
worried about you. I had to stop her from racing round to Jeremy’s house and
giving him hell for jilting you.”
Paige chewed
her lip guiltily. She should turn to Clem before Olly, but worried about
upsetting her sister further. Her one-person honeymoon had been the only good
thing to come out of this mess. She still couldn’t believe she’d had the nerve
to come alone to Sorrento. “I need time to think.”
“A break up
is always hard and it’s only been a week since everything happened. You’ll be
fine though, I just know it. Once you’ve had time to recover from the shock I
bet you’ll come back here and be ready to focus on your shop again.”
He was
probably right, but it was still a little difficult accepting that Jeremy had
changed his mind about their marriage and she hadn’t seen it coming. Then
again, at least now she understood why he’d been acting so strangely recently,
so much for pre-wedding nerves.
“Paige, are
you still there?”
Had Jeremy
turned to Gretchen because she’d spent all her time thinking about future
designs for her shoes like he’d said?
dwelling on that jerk,” Olly shouted, interrupting her thoughts.
“Ol, you’re
the perfect best friend and always ready to listen to me.” She couldn’t help
smiling, he knew her so well and she hated the thought that her situation was
causing upset with those closest to her.
because you don’t often moan about things,” he laughed, his voice sounding
tinny down her antiquated phone. “When you get back we can spend time working
on the new website designs. I’ve had a few new ideas that should perk it up a
“Good, I know
the one I have now isn’t nearly stylish enough for the image I want to
project.” She brushed a fly off her ankle.
“Never mind
that now. You go and make the most of that incredible place and I’ll speak to
you soon.”
“I thought
I’d have a look at the shoe shops here and see how their designs compare with
“You see?”
Olly laughed. “You must be feeling a little better because you’re thinking
about your shoes. Right, I’ll put some ideas together while you go and mooch
around Sorrento.”
“Thanks Ol,”
she said glancing towards the window and staring at the rays of white gold
light filtering through the metal shutters.
“Good, now
get out and I don’t want you back in that room of yours until it’s time for you
to go to bed.”
“Okay, I’m
going, but I won’t enjoy myself,” she teased before replacing the receiver onto
the eighties-style phone.
Paige picked
up her red clutch bag, slipped on the matching shoes she had designed to
complement it, and set off toward the confines of the old town. Treading
carefully along one of the narrow roads, she breathed in the scent of oregano
from the spice-filled air. This was more like it. She walked down the steps
from the back garden of the hotel, at times holding on to the handrail
especially where they tilted away from the cliff face. She stopped and
concentrating on not looking down, gazed across at the spectacular view across
the sea to the other side of the Bay of Naples.
She gripped
on tightly watching every step and breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the
small supermarket at the beginning of the main thoroughfare. She was a little
surprised to see so many designer shops dotted along on both sides of the road.
Forgetting her nerve-wracking walk down there, she paid particular interest in
the shoe shops and thought about the rumours her father had shared with her
before her fateful meal with Jeremy.
What if her
dad was right about De Greys? If the store goes bankrupt then she would have to
start up her business elsewhere. It had cost most of her business loan just
setting up her concession in De Greys, she didn’t think she would be able to
afford to set up in another shop so soon after moving to King Street.
She stepped
into the road, tripping over the pavement in her panic to avoid an oncoming car
that almost hit her. Hands seemed to come from nowhere, catching her under her
arms before her bottom smacked down onto the tarmac. She didn’t understand what
her rescuer was saying to her in the confusion, but managed to regain her
footing with his help.
she said smoothing down her skirt and taking her bag when he picked it up and
handed it to her.
went to say something else, but the immaculate hero smiled briefly, said
something and pointed to indicate that he had somewhere to go. Then he was gone
among the crowd of pedestrians passing her by. Paige didn’t want to know if
anyone else had seen her reckless attempt to cross the road, so stopped to gaze
at the closest window display while she gathered her senses. It dawned on her
that none of the shoes in this particular shop had designs as quirky as her
own. She could see the prices were similar to those that she charged and the
shoes were beautifully made. Paige walked in.
About Georgina:
Troy lives in Jersey near the sea – well, most people do in an island only 9
miles x 5 miles in size. She’s always wanted to write and being an impossible
romantic is always falling in love with heroes both real (hopefully), in
fiction (definitely) and those of her own creation (absolutely).
A Jersey
Affair is the second in a series of stand-alone romances based in Jersey, which
Georgina hopes you’ll read, enjoy and maybe tell your friends about. The first
book, A Jersey Kiss is out now.
This is such a gorgeous blog! Thanks very much for featuring A Jersey Affair here, I really appreciate it. x