New Book Release Blitz: Becoming Invisible by Tiffany Carmouche
What does Tiffany Carmouche want us to know about her? The rules are simple. There are 20 questions but you only have to answer 10-15.... As...
What does Tiffany Carmouche want us to know about her?

The rules are simple. There are 20 questions but you only have to answer 10-15....
As a writer, what drives you?
The crazy muse that whispers in my ear or sends movies into my brain until I write it down!
As a woman, what drives you?
My daughters, I am a single mom. I want to be an example to them not to give up. I have been through some difficult times, but I know if I dust myself off enough times, I will be able to remain least I hope.
Can you tell us about The Alaskan Heart Saga?
The Alaskan Heart Saga began as my story, it was originally about when I had to escape a killer who was stalking me...then my muse sent me Dylan and before long it became a love story. Then my muse kept sending me twist and turns and the novel became a trilogy and I tell you she is mad! Now, it is the Alaskan Heart Saga...
How much of yourself is hidden in the characters in your books?
Perhaps. I am a hopeless romantic, I love adventure, I believe in loyalty and I will hunt you down and kill you if you touch my loved ones.
Describe yourself in five words…
Sassy, adventurous, spontaneous, romantic, compassionate
Do you have specific techniques you use to develop the plot and stay on track?
I do map it all out but I leave my muse some freedom too dance naked in the wind and surprise me
What are you working on right now?
The fourth book in the saga, and an have been asked to do an inspirational Cd series.
The good guy, the bad boy and the right guy…could they be one and the same?
If you could have a power or ability what would it be?
I would love to be able to make miracles happen.
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