This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad... is finally getting a blog tour! Giveaway Time!
Good News! This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad... will be touring in many blogs near you starting on September 3r...
Good News! This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad... will be touring in many blogs near you starting on September 3rd!
If you're a blogger you can sign up at
If you're a reader, there will be a special fan appreciation giveaway for the ones nice enough to post their reviews on amazon and Goodreads.
The book will only be $1.99 (reg. price $3.49) starting on August 20th until the end of the giveaway on October 15th I already gave away over 800 copies so for those who had one you can go ahead and start reading!
The giveaway will start on September 1st and ends on October 15th!
Book One: Love can be such a "coulda, woulda, shoulda" song sometimes...
Lucia Mpobo-Riddell could have been a dancer like the rest of women of her family but instead she chose music. Marcus Grant could have been a doctor like the rest of his family but instead he chose music. She also could have not fallen for Marcus on her birthday but she did. And Marcus, he could have told Lucia the truth about his real reason for being in Toronto that night, but he didn't. Now they have to deal with big reveals and consequences: Marcus almost stealing her job and being force to work on an album together. Marcus, because he couldn't swallow his pride, leave Toronto and go home to London. Lucia, because she just couldn't give up on her first amazing opportunity to produce a whole album. And to complicate the situation further, the band they're working for is not the easiest one. Mary Gillis, Marcus' on and off flame, still has a hold on him. Greg McMullen, Lucia's close friend and former dance partner is back in town and has been in love with her for years. Then there's Marcus and Lucia, in the middle of their own a professional and personal tug-of- war with each over and the rest of the world. But maybe things could still work out... All things considered, this could have been one heck of a love song!
Happy Reading!