BLOG TOUR: Too Much to Lose by Samantha Holt
Too Much to Lose SERIES – Dirty Little Secrets AUTHOR – Samantha Holt GENRE – Contemporary Romance PUBLICATION DATE ...
Too Much to Lose
SERIES – Dirty Little Secrets
AUTHOR – Samantha Holt
GENRE – Contemporary Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – 5th September
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 75000
“If you’re in trouble, I know some people who can help.” “I’m not in trouble. Really, I’m not. I mean who would want to kill me? I know bankers aren’t exactly popular—” she lets loose a shaky laugh “—but I’m harmless.” Harmless? Not sure about that. Jess sends my heart racing, makes my skin clammy. She’s driving me insane. Harmless? No way. “What do you want me to do?” I ask. “Do?” “Shall I stick around?” “Oh. No, you don’t need to do that.” “I don’t mind.” “I’m fine. Seriously. Thank you for today. You must be tired and I bet your side hurts.” It does, but I’m not going to admit to that. “It’s fine.” “Look about that kiss….” “That was my fault.” “I kissed you.” “You did.” I can’t resist letting my mouth curve upwards. She kissed me, but I don’t know if that’s a bad or a good thing. While my pride basks in it, the voice inside that keeps pulling at my gut wants to scream at her to run while she still can. I’m no good for her. “But I kissed you back,” I point out. “And I should not have been… er… touching you out there.” She draws her bottom lip between her teeth. “It’s okay.” Hell, how do those two tiny words send an arrow of need straight to my cock? It’s okay that I was kissing her? Or touching her up? It’s okay that I want her so badly I nearly bent her over my bike to fuck her? Before I can dwell on it anymore and make an even bigger fool of myself, I get to my feet. “Will you let me stay?” “I don’t think so. It’s too risky.” A hard knot forms in my throat. I’m more dangerous to her than a crazed gunman it seems. She might be right. If—when—I find that money, her whole life is going to come crashing down. “Don’t answer the door to anyone. Be careful. Call me if you need me. In fact, call me tomorrow.” She follows me to the door. “Please?” I add as uncertainty dashes across her face. Jess opens the door and I step out. “I’ll call you,” she says when I turn to face her. “Promise?” She rolls her eyes and her mouth curves. “I promise.” Those lush lips snare my attention and my own smile drops. My skin feels hot and itchy, my pulse urgent. This is insane. I rest an arm against the door frame, my feet still firmly planted on the other side of the threshold and bring my mouth slowly down on hers. She softens but doesn’t touch me. We’re divided by the invisible line between the corridor and her room. I can’t help thinking of it as symbolic. We’re divided by secrets and lies. Not that any of that matters once our lips connect. I swear I’ve never wanted to kiss a woman so much. Kisses are about the end game. But not with Jess. I want to drown in her kisses, to kiss her all day and see if I ever tire of them. I suspect it’s unlikely.
Samantha lives in a small village in England with her gorgeous twin girls and husband who is a trained bodyguard and ex-soldier. She traditionally writes historical romances involving chivalrous knights and hot highlanders, but occasionally dabbles in contemporary romance.
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Thank you for hosting me, Danielle!